Shortly before Christmas, we wrote to Transport Minister, Trudy Harrison MP, and we shared our letter here
As mentioned, we did so because her remit includes the decarbonisation of transport, the environment (covering air quality), and the future of freight – all directly linked to our situation.
We asked for the Minister’s own views on our situation. We also asked for it not to be delegated for others to respond to.
This is exactly what happened.
Not only that, but it was passed to their Strategic Roads Division which, if it were 1st April, might be mildly amusing.
As it stands, it is yet another insult from the government.
This team is hardly likely to have an impartial view on suggestions from a group challenging one of their own road proposals, is it?
There’s plenty to pick out of their response which we will do in time.
In the meantime, you can read it in full below.