We’re delighted to share the latest instalment of our very own podcast series: “We Said No!”.
If you’re not familiar with this podcast already, we’re using it to explore a wide range of issues relating to our campaign, with contributions from some fantastic individuals, organisations and members of our community.
In Episode 4, we address one of, if not THE most urgent public health issues in South Sefton: air quality. To listen, click on the link below which also contains links to the podcast provider of your choice.
It is estimated that air pollution kills up to 40,000 people each year in the UK alone. But what does this shocking statistic have to do with Highways England’s proposed road through Rimrose Valley?
In this episode we pick our way through the complicated issue of air quality in our part of the borough. We hear from people already suffering the damaging effects of vehicle emissions from Highways England’s existing A5036 and from a local primary school which sits on the path of the proposed route. We speak to experts who explain what this pollution is and the harm it does to our bodies. We learn how environmental groups are questioning the value Highways England places on the public’s health in pursuit of its road building programme and ask what role the Port of Liverpool’s own shipping activity plays in air quality in our borough?
We also cover the tragic story of 9-year-old Ella Kissi-Debrah, who lost her life in 2013 due to the pollution she inhaled on her busy road.
This is a tough but important listen and we thank everyone who contributed.
If you’d like to get involved with our podcast team and help us to research and deliver future episodes, why not get in touch?
Email enquiries@rimrosevalleyfriends.org and we’ll get back to you.
Here’s a link to the full podcast series and the platforms it’s available on: